Author Visits

I’ve been thinking…

It is a special day when an author comes to visit.  

I taught Reading/Language Arts for many years.   (Go to Bio Bits for Teacher Joan).  

Some of the best days where when people from the “real world” came to our classroom to share what they do and how they got to where they are.  The best part of the visit was when our guest willingly answered any and all questions — yes, even “How much do you make”?  

We especially loved when authors came to visit.  Students realized that ordinary people can write stories that are actually published, read, and enjoyed. And as a teacher, I found support for my lessons on writing in how authors approach the writing process. 

All of us — students, teacher, and author — reveled in the joy of our shared experience with literature.

 It was Nancy Atwell’s dining room table where she and her family and friends gathered to talk about books. (I date myself, but some of you dear readers will recognize that name from Literature instruction!) 

This month, I’m launching into being a visiting author.  We have a new tab for AUTHOR VISITS that includes programs, lessons, and pictures of school visits.  And, of course, contact information.

My enthusiasm for this next step in my life was kindled by visits to young John’s school in November and then a visit to daughter Jayne’s classroom in December.  With grandson John as an able assistant, I shared Little Children, BIG Feelings with all Summit School’s 2nd graders.  The questions were awesome!  Readers and writers learning together.  

Then I had a lovely time in John’s classroom where we had a lively conversation about grandparent names, as I shared the grandparent books.  I was touched that the students were particularly proud of sharing with me the “books” they had written and illustrated.    

A month later, I was warmly welcomed by 5th graders and their teachers at North Jefferson Elementary School.    The students were engaged and enthused about meeting me and learning about a writer’s experiences.  Their teacher had used Little Children, BIG Feelings in a writing lesson, but the students expressed that they wanted me to read it again.  They had great questions that led to rich conversations about writing, illustrating, publishing and the joys and woes of writing. 

These experiences encouraged me that sharing my books IS beneficial for elementary students and their teachers!

I know that Today Cara Goes to Kindergarten has been helpful to little ones moving from pre-school to kindergarten.   Last summer as I read this book with a group of preschoolers at the Donaldson Farm (thanks, Kate!), I asked them how they felt about going to kindergarten.  One little girl did not hesitate.  “I am NERVOUS!” she said, most emphatically.  Her mother, standing to the side, nodded in agreement. She was nervous, too!   The little girl, and her mother, loved the book.  “That’s how I feel!” The child commiserated with Cara’s concerns.  And like Cara in the story, this little girl could see that kindergarten was going to be ok!

I never imagined I would be on this side of the “stage” as the author and not the teacher making the arrangements.  But the “author” is still at heart, a TEACHER.  I look forward to sharing my books with your students.  




Love Languages!